Wer bin ich
- Schreibe einen Test der fehlschlägt, da er unerfüllte Anforderungen beschreibt
- Erstelle eine minimale Implementierung um den Test zu fixen
- Refactoring
- Nur bei grünen Tests
- Produktiv- ODER Test-Code (nicht beides!)
- void roll(int pins)
- int score()
Rules 1
- The game consists of 10 frames. In each frame the player has two rolls to knock down 10 pins. The score
for the frame is the total number of pins knocked down, plus bonuses for strikes and spares.
- A spare is when the player knocks down all 10 pins in two rolls. The bonus for that frame is the number
of pins knocked down by the next roll.
Rules 2
- A strike is when the player knocks down all 10 pins on his first roll. The frame is then completed with
a single roll. The bonus for that frame is the value of the next two rolls.
- In the tenth frame a player who rolls a spare or strike is allowed to roll the extra balls to complete
the frame. However no more than three balls can be rolled in tenth frame.
London (outside-in)
Chicago (inside-out)
auch Detroit
Viele weitere Spielarten
Kein besser als ...
... unterschiedliche Stärken!
Spielarten beherrschen und zielgerichtet einsetzen
- Beratung, Coaching und Projektunterstützung
- Java, Spring, Quarkus
- React, Vue, Typescript
- Migrationen
- Testautomatisierung
- Coach in agilen Projekten